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Our leadership…

A small team of dedicated wine farmers, guided by winemaker JM Crafford, has combined a “quality first” approach with innovative winemaking and is rapidly transforming Stettyn Cellar into a progressively marketed and sought after wine venture.

Stettyn Cellar is owner-managed by the following producers/members who all serve on the Board of Directors:

Stettyn Vineyards (George & Hendrik Botha)
Stettyn Estate (Anthonie & Johannes Botha)
Jonkersrivier (Phillip Botha & Gielie de Villiers)
Die Hoek (Hendrik Griessel)


A Proud Heritage…

The farm on which Stettyn Cellar is situated, is steeped in history and tradition dating back to 1714. In that year, Governor Chavonnes of the Dutch East India Company ceded the original farm to Free Burghers Cloete and Radyn, whose ancestors originated from the Stettin area, in the former Prussia. The Cape Dutch homestead, which dates back to 1777, was the original house occupied by the first permanent settlers. It was restored and is now a National Monument.

Stettyn was acquired by the Botha family in 1818 and has been in the family for 8 generations. The Stettyn Cellar itself was established in 1963, with the vineyards of Stettyn, Jonkersrivier and De Hoek being the primary sources of production and where the tradition of wine making dates back many years.

Stettyn se geskiedenis dateer terug na die jaar 1714 toe die plaas Stettyn deur die Goewerneur van die Kaapkolonie, Mauritz Pasques de Chavonnes, aan Jan Cloete en Jan Jurgen Radyn toegeken is.

Daar word geglo dat Radyn oorspronklik van Stettin was.  Opdragte aan die vroeë setlaars is deurgegee, vir die plant van bome vir hout-, graan- en vrugtebome, sodat hulle die reisigers in die binneland kan voorsien. Die lieflike ou eikebome staan nog trots voor die Kaaps-Hollande herehuis; en die ou meul, met sy massiewe meulsteen, nogsteeds in werkende toestand.

Stettyn lê in ‘n asemrowende vallei tussen Villiersdorp en Worcester. Uitgestrekte wingerde word omring deur majestueuse berge, wat ‘n mens op die voorstoep van die proelokaal kan bewonder.

Terroir is die samestelling van eienskappe wat jou wingerd anders maak as enige ander.  Stettyn se plase het ‘n unieke kombinasie van grondtipes, klimaat, topografie en ligging (die manier waarop die son gedurende die dag oor die wingerd val) en die oorvloedige flora en fauna.  Met die wetenskaplike ondersoek deur die Wyn- en Spiritsraad het hulle Stettyn met die Wyn van Oorsprong status goedgekeur.

Ons is op die drumpel tussen die koeler, natter Boland en die strawwer, droër Karoo.  Die ysige winters laat dormansie in die wingerde toe, terwyl die omliggende berge genoeg water opvang vir die warm somermaande.

Die uitgebreide familie maak wyn sedert 1963, maar het eers in 2001 hulle eerste etiket vrygestel. 

Met 438 hektaar (70% wit en 30% rooi variëteite) aangeplante wingerde het ons gemoderniseerde kelder die kapasiteit om 7000-ton druiwe elke jaar te pars. Ons het die voordeel om spesifieke wingerdblokke te identifiseer om die verlangede kwaliteit te produseer vir beide grootmaat- en bottelproduksie.

Ons glo dat ons produkte die terroir en mense van Stettyn weerspieël, wat trots staan onder die Stettyn-handelsmerk.


More About Our Wine Production…

Wine has been produced on the individual farms since the late 1800’s up until the 1950’s, whereafter resources were pooled to build a modern cellar, with the first wine being produced in 1964. The centralisation of local winemaking, together with improved facilities resulted in a significant improvement in wine quality.

The area where our farm is located is blessed with a favourable climate for the production of quality grapes, characterised by cold winters essential for effective vine dormancy and moderate summers aiding long, slow ripening. The total area under vines is 364 hectares, with production standing at about 6000 tons of grapes per year. Barrel maturation, as well as the serious science of making good Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc has become a focus area for Stettyn Cellars.

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